Ernst Heeger (Austrian, 1783-1866)
"Mikrotipie. / Die Föhren-Spinne / 3000 Mal vergrössert. / Naturliche Grösse. / Beilage zu M. Auer's Zeitschrift 'Faust'", 1853
Coated salt or albumen print from a glass negative
24.4 x 18.8 cm mounted on 34.4 x 24.2 cm paper, ruled in ink
Pirnted title and credit on mount. Dated in pencil on mount verso.

Ernst Heeger (Austrian, 1783-1866)
"Acanthia lectularia. Elytra." Cimex lectularis. (Wing cover of bed bug), 1861
Hand colored salt print from a glass negative
20.2 x 13.4 cm mounted on 26.0 x 18.5 cm sheet
Numbered in ink with printed titles in Latin and German on mount
German title "Bettwanze. Flügeldecke."

Ernst Heeger (Austrian, 1783-1866)
"Vanessa Io. Squamae alae." Aglais io. (Wing scales of peacock butterfly), 1860
Hand colored salt print from a glass negative
20.1 x 13.6 cm mounted on 26.0 x 18.5 cm sheet
Numbered and titled in Latin and German in ink on mount
Plate XXIV
German title "Tag Pfauenauge. Flügel-Schüppchen."

Ernst Heeger (Austrian, 1783-1866)
"Caraphron elegans. Ovipolitor. (apex)" (Egg layer of dainty parasitoid wasp), 1860
Hand colored salt print from a glass negative
20.6 x 13.7 cm mounted on 26.0 x 18.5 cm sheet
Numbered and titled in Latin and German in ink on mount
Plate X
German title "Zierliche Schlupsswespe. Eierleger (Stachel)"

Ernst Heeger (Austrian, 1783-1866)
"Trichopteryx depressus. Ala." Acrotrichis matthewsiana. (Plumose hindwing of flattened featherwing beetle), 1860
Hand colored salt print from a glass negative
20.3 x 13.5 cm mounted on 26.0 x 18.5 cm sheet
Numbered and titled in Latin and German in ink on mount
Plate IX
German title "Gedrüchter Fransenflügler. Hautflügel."

Ernst Heeger (Austrian, 1783-1866)
"Musca domestica. Membrana rostris." (Membrane of suction lobe of rostrum of house fly), 1860
Hand colored salt print from a glass negative
20.3 x 13.6 cm mounted on 26.0 x 18.5 cm sheet
Numbered and titled in Latin and German in ink on mount
Plate VI
German title "Hausfliege. Rüssel Saugehaut."

Ernst HEEGER (Austrian, 1783-1866)
"Apis mellifica. Unguiculum." Apis mellifera. (Foot claw of honey bee), 1861
Hand colored salt print from a glass negative
20.2 x 13.4 cm mounted on 26.0 x 18.5 cm sheet
Numbered in ink with printed titles in Latin and German on mount
Plate IL
German title "Honigbiene. Eine Fussklaue."

Ernst Heeger (Austrian, 1783-1866)
"Acanthia lectularia. Labium." Cimex lectularis. (Lower lip and suction tubes of mouthparts of bed bug), 1861
Hand colored salt print from a glass negative
20.2 x 13.3 cm mounted on 26.0 x 18.5 cm sheet
Numbered in ink with printed titles in Latin and German on mount
Plate IIL
German title "Bettwanze. Unterlippe."

Ernst Heeger (Austrian, 1783-1866)
"Orgia antiqua. Pili larvae." (Bush-tipped hairs of caterpillar of rusty tussock moth), 1861
Hand colored salt print from a glass negative
20.2 x 13.4 cm mounted on 26.0 x 18.5 cm sheet
Numbered in ink with printed titles in Latin and German on mount
Plate XLI
German title "Alter Festtags-Spinner. Raupen-Haare."

Ernst Heeger (Austrian, 1783-1866)
"Sphinx Atropos. Squamae alae." Acherontia atropos. (Wing scales of death’s-head hawk moth), 1860
Hand colored salt print from a glass negative
20.3 x 13.6 cm mounted on 26.0 x 18.5 cm sheet
Numbered and titled in Latin and German in ink on mount
Plate XXII
German title "Todtenkofp-Schwärmer. Flugelschüppchen.

Ernst Heeger (Austrian, 1783-1866)
"Forficula auricularis. Ala." (Membranous hindwing of earwig), 1860
Hand colored salt print from a glass negative
20.4 x 13.6 cm mounted on 26.0 x 18.5 cm sheet
Numbered and titled in Latin and German in ink on mount
Plate VII
German title "Ohren-Zangenhäfer. Hautflügel"

Ernst Heeger (Austrian, 1783-1866)
"Ixodes ricinus. Labrum." (Upper lip of mouthparts of dog tick), 1860
Hand colored salt print from a glass negative
20.2 x 13.4 cm mounted on 26.0 x 18.5 cm sheet
Numbered and titled in Latin and German in ink on mount
Plate I
German title "Blutige Feche. Oberlippe."

Ernst Heeger (Austrian, 1783-1866)
"Musca Domestica. Tarfus." (Foot of house fly), 1860
Hand colored salt print from a glass negative
20.0 x 13.3 cm mounted on 26.0 x 18.5 cm sheet
Numbered and titled in Latin and German in ink on mount
Plate III
German title "Hausfliege. Klauenfussglied."

Ernst Heeger (Austrian, 1783-1866)
"Forficula auricularis. Ala." (Membranous hindwing of earwig), 1860
Hand colored salt print from a glass negative
20.4 x 13.6 cm mounted on 26.0 x 18.5 cm sheet
Numbered and titled in Latin and German in ink on mount
Plate XIII
German title "Distel Bohrfliege. Eierleger."

Ernst Heeger (Austrian, 1783-1866)
"Catocala nupta. Squamae alae." (Wing scales of red underwing moth), 1860
Hand colored salt print from a glass negative
20.3 x 13.6 cm mounted on 26.0 x 18.5 cm sheet
Numbered and titled in Latin and German in ink on mount
German title Rothes Ordensband. Flügel-Schüppchen."

Ernst Heeger (Austrian, 1783-1866)
"Oxycera Meigeni. Pili abdominis." (Feather-like brush of hairs at posterior end of abdomen of larva of Meigen’s soldier fly), 1861
Hand colored salt print from a glass negative
20.3 x 13.4 cm mounted on 26.0 x 18.5 cm sheet
Numbered in ink with printed titles in Latin and German on mount
German title "Meigen's Dornfliege. Afterhaare der Larve."

Ernst Heeger (Austrian, 1783-1866)
"Epeira diadema. Pili abdominis." Araneus diadematus. (Brush-like hairs of abdomen of cross orb-weaving spider), 1861
Hand colored salt print from a glass negative
20.2 x 13.4 cm mounted on 26.0 x 18.5 cm sheet
Numbered in ink with printed titles in Latin and German on mount
Plate XLVI
German title "Diadem-Spinne. Körperhaare."

Ernst Heeger (Austrian, 1783-1866)
"Braula coeca. Unguiculum." (Foot claw of bee louse), 1861
Hand colored salt print from a glass negative
20.5 x 13.7 cm mounted on 26.0 x 18.5 cm sheet
Numbered in ink with printed titles in Latin and German on mount
Plate IIIL
German title "Blinde Bienenlaus. Eine Fussklaue."

Ernst Heeger (Austrian, 1783-1866)
"Haematopota pluvialis. Mandibulum et maxilla." (Upper and lower jaws of common horse fly), 1861
Hand colored salt print from a glass negative
20.3 x 13.4 cm mounted on 26.0 x 18.5 cm sheet
Numbered in ink with printed titles in Latin and German on mount
Plate XXXI
German title "Regenbremse. Ober- und Unterkiefer."

Ernst Heeger (Austrian, 1783-1866)
"Mikrotipie. / Die Föhren-Spinne / 3000 Mal vergrössert. / Naturliche Grösse. / Beilage zu M. Auer's Zeitschrift 'Faust'", 1853
Coated salt or albumen print from a glass negative
24.4 x 18.8 cm mounted on 34.4 x 24.2 cm paper, ruled in ink
Pirnted title and credit on mount. Dated in pencil on mount verso.

Ernst Heeger (Austrian, 1783-1866)
"Acanthia lectularia. Elytra." Cimex lectularis. (Wing cover of bed bug), 1861
Hand colored salt print from a glass negative
20.2 x 13.4 cm mounted on 26.0 x 18.5 cm sheet
Numbered in ink with printed titles in Latin and German on mount
German title "Bettwanze. Flügeldecke."

Ernst Heeger (Austrian, 1783-1866)
"Vanessa Io. Squamae alae." Aglais io. (Wing scales of peacock butterfly), 1860
Hand colored salt print from a glass negative
20.1 x 13.6 cm mounted on 26.0 x 18.5 cm sheet
Numbered and titled in Latin and German in ink on mount
Plate XXIV
German title "Tag Pfauenauge. Flügel-Schüppchen."

Ernst Heeger (Austrian, 1783-1866)
"Caraphron elegans. Ovipolitor. (apex)" (Egg layer of dainty parasitoid wasp), 1860
Hand colored salt print from a glass negative
20.6 x 13.7 cm mounted on 26.0 x 18.5 cm sheet
Numbered and titled in Latin and German in ink on mount
Plate X
German title "Zierliche Schlupsswespe. Eierleger (Stachel)"

Ernst Heeger (Austrian, 1783-1866)
"Trichopteryx depressus. Ala." Acrotrichis matthewsiana. (Plumose hindwing of flattened featherwing beetle), 1860
Hand colored salt print from a glass negative
20.3 x 13.5 cm mounted on 26.0 x 18.5 cm sheet
Numbered and titled in Latin and German in ink on mount
Plate IX
German title "Gedrüchter Fransenflügler. Hautflügel."

Ernst Heeger (Austrian, 1783-1866)
"Musca domestica. Membrana rostris." (Membrane of suction lobe of rostrum of house fly), 1860
Hand colored salt print from a glass negative
20.3 x 13.6 cm mounted on 26.0 x 18.5 cm sheet
Numbered and titled in Latin and German in ink on mount
Plate VI
German title "Hausfliege. Rüssel Saugehaut."

Ernst HEEGER (Austrian, 1783-1866)
"Apis mellifica. Unguiculum." Apis mellifera. (Foot claw of honey bee), 1861
Hand colored salt print from a glass negative
20.2 x 13.4 cm mounted on 26.0 x 18.5 cm sheet
Numbered in ink with printed titles in Latin and German on mount
Plate IL
German title "Honigbiene. Eine Fussklaue."

Ernst Heeger (Austrian, 1783-1866)
"Acanthia lectularia. Labium." Cimex lectularis. (Lower lip and suction tubes of mouthparts of bed bug), 1861
Hand colored salt print from a glass negative
20.2 x 13.3 cm mounted on 26.0 x 18.5 cm sheet
Numbered in ink with printed titles in Latin and German on mount
Plate IIL
German title "Bettwanze. Unterlippe."

Ernst Heeger (Austrian, 1783-1866)
"Orgia antiqua. Pili larvae." (Bush-tipped hairs of caterpillar of rusty tussock moth), 1861
Hand colored salt print from a glass negative
20.2 x 13.4 cm mounted on 26.0 x 18.5 cm sheet
Numbered in ink with printed titles in Latin and German on mount
Plate XLI
German title "Alter Festtags-Spinner. Raupen-Haare."

Ernst Heeger (Austrian, 1783-1866)
"Sphinx Atropos. Squamae alae." Acherontia atropos. (Wing scales of death’s-head hawk moth), 1860
Hand colored salt print from a glass negative
20.3 x 13.6 cm mounted on 26.0 x 18.5 cm sheet
Numbered and titled in Latin and German in ink on mount
Plate XXII
German title "Todtenkofp-Schwärmer. Flugelschüppchen.

Ernst Heeger (Austrian, 1783-1866)
"Forficula auricularis. Ala." (Membranous hindwing of earwig), 1860
Hand colored salt print from a glass negative
20.4 x 13.6 cm mounted on 26.0 x 18.5 cm sheet
Numbered and titled in Latin and German in ink on mount
Plate VII
German title "Ohren-Zangenhäfer. Hautflügel"

Ernst Heeger (Austrian, 1783-1866)
"Ixodes ricinus. Labrum." (Upper lip of mouthparts of dog tick), 1860
Hand colored salt print from a glass negative
20.2 x 13.4 cm mounted on 26.0 x 18.5 cm sheet
Numbered and titled in Latin and German in ink on mount
Plate I
German title "Blutige Feche. Oberlippe."

Ernst Heeger (Austrian, 1783-1866)
"Musca Domestica. Tarfus." (Foot of house fly), 1860
Hand colored salt print from a glass negative
20.0 x 13.3 cm mounted on 26.0 x 18.5 cm sheet
Numbered and titled in Latin and German in ink on mount
Plate III
German title "Hausfliege. Klauenfussglied."

Ernst Heeger (Austrian, 1783-1866)
"Forficula auricularis. Ala." (Membranous hindwing of earwig), 1860
Hand colored salt print from a glass negative
20.4 x 13.6 cm mounted on 26.0 x 18.5 cm sheet
Numbered and titled in Latin and German in ink on mount
Plate XIII
German title "Distel Bohrfliege. Eierleger."

Ernst Heeger (Austrian, 1783-1866)
"Catocala nupta. Squamae alae." (Wing scales of red underwing moth), 1860
Hand colored salt print from a glass negative
20.3 x 13.6 cm mounted on 26.0 x 18.5 cm sheet
Numbered and titled in Latin and German in ink on mount
German title Rothes Ordensband. Flügel-Schüppchen."

Ernst Heeger (Austrian, 1783-1866)
"Oxycera Meigeni. Pili abdominis." (Feather-like brush of hairs at posterior end of abdomen of larva of Meigen’s soldier fly), 1861
Hand colored salt print from a glass negative
20.3 x 13.4 cm mounted on 26.0 x 18.5 cm sheet
Numbered in ink with printed titles in Latin and German on mount
German title "Meigen's Dornfliege. Afterhaare der Larve."

Ernst Heeger (Austrian, 1783-1866)
"Epeira diadema. Pili abdominis." Araneus diadematus. (Brush-like hairs of abdomen of cross orb-weaving spider), 1861
Hand colored salt print from a glass negative
20.2 x 13.4 cm mounted on 26.0 x 18.5 cm sheet
Numbered in ink with printed titles in Latin and German on mount
Plate XLVI
German title "Diadem-Spinne. Körperhaare."

Ernst Heeger (Austrian, 1783-1866)
"Braula coeca. Unguiculum." (Foot claw of bee louse), 1861
Hand colored salt print from a glass negative
20.5 x 13.7 cm mounted on 26.0 x 18.5 cm sheet
Numbered in ink with printed titles in Latin and German on mount
Plate IIIL
German title "Blinde Bienenlaus. Eine Fussklaue."

Ernst Heeger (Austrian, 1783-1866)
"Haematopota pluvialis. Mandibulum et maxilla." (Upper and lower jaws of common horse fly), 1861
Hand colored salt print from a glass negative
20.3 x 13.4 cm mounted on 26.0 x 18.5 cm sheet
Numbered in ink with printed titles in Latin and German on mount
Plate XXXI
German title "Regenbremse. Ober- und Unterkiefer."